This document describes persistent volumes Kubernetes. Familiarity volumes, StorageClasses VolumeAttributesClasses suggested. Introduction Managing storage a distinct problem managing compute instances. PersistentVolume subsystem an API users administrators abstracts details how storage provided how is consumed. do this, .
A PersistentVolumeClaim (PVC) a Kubernetes resource represents request storage a pod. can requirements storage, as size, access mode, storage class. Kubernetes the PVC find available PV satisfies PVC's requirements. PVC created a pod request storage a PV.
PVC a declaration need storage can some point available / satisfied - in bound some actual PV. is bit the asynchronous programming concept a promise.PVC promises it at point "translate" storage volume your application be to use, one defined characteristics class, size, access mode (ROX, RWO, RWX).
After volume served purpose an claim, Kubernetes perform of actions: Retain: PV Released, prevent claims, enabling manual intervention inspect, free data, make available; Delete: delete wipe PV; Recycle: wipe PV enable claims; Effectively, Retain blocks claims the Released volume, forcing .
A PVC specifies size, access modes read-only, read-write, other criteria. can of PVC a storage request ticket to Kubernetes cluster a pod needs storage. magic Kubernetes matches PVC a PV based the requirements cited the claim (size, access modes, etc.).
Binding PVC PV: Kubernetes control plane attempts bind PVC an PV matches PVC's requirements. binding process ensures the PVC satisfied a .
The easiest to create PV/PVC pair your Pod to a StorageClass object, then the storageclass create PV-PVC pair dynamically you to it. StorageClass. storageclass a Kubernetes object stores information creating persistent volume your pod.
Kubernetes match claim an PV. Binding PVs PVCs real magic when PVC a PV the class bound together, making storage accessible the .
A persistent volume claim (PVC) a request storage a user a PV. Claims request specific size access modes (e.g: can mounted read/write many times read-only).
A PVC created a user request certain amount storage specific access modes. Kubernetes finds PV satisfies claim's request (size, access modes, etc.), then binds PVC that PV. bound, PV dedicated that PVC cannot bound another.
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